Monday, September 29, 2014

Another friend of Mr H got married yesterday. Saw lots of old friends at that wedding and met a few new people too. Mr H and my crowd had always been different, hence I was met with a lot of new culture since I got married. This friend comes from a crowd that's a little different to both of ours, hence, we were both met with a new wave of cultural differences. Interestingly, all of us are of Muslims with Bengali-Australian background. Differences automatically leads to forming (mostly negative?) judgement, which is terrible. There should be one measuring stick, right and wrong by God's definition. If something is wrong according to it, we should stay away from it in any form possible, and if it is right, we should accept it, even if it doesn't seem familiar to us.

I found this amazing acapella artist - she has the most beautiful voice, and does the backing track so simply but beautifully! I think I will listen to her for the next few days at least. My room had been terribly messy for the last few days, it is a little cleaner now, but the floor needs to be vaccumed. I have a to-do list that consists of about 6-7 things that seem annoying at the moment, but I am sure I would feel excellent after I do them. Writing here wasn't a part of it. -.-

Monday, September 08, 2014

Feeling excited :)

I have been thinking about homeschooling during the primary years. The idea of raising children with ideas that aren't filtered through the secular schooling system, allowing them to be independent about the things that they want to learn about instead of streamlining their interests, teaching them bangla and arabic at the same time, as well as quran memorisation, as well as letting them part-take in any sports they want, and other community projects - seems like a very lucrative idea. Once they are a bit more strong in their deen inshaallah, they can go to a public high school with a relatively good environment. The high schools that I went to were pretty good, alhamdulillah. What would be even more awesome is if they could somehow do full time hifdh for 2-3 days a week, and I could work as a counsellor at some school.

If everything goes my way, in the next five years, I can finish studying - including finishing my psych degree, counselling degree and teaching degree. And I can finish learning arabic and a bit of Quran.

Mr H and some of his friends are in on the plan of homeschooling. They want to build a community like the ones NAK suggests and are working towards it. I'm excited to see what comes about in the next ten years!

Life isn't perfect, but we have to push through!