Thursday, September 05, 2024


Its been a while since I wrote here properly. I say that at the beginning of a lot of posts. What changed since my last life update?

We went around the world. I have a 6 month old daughter now. I have been trying to write a picture book for a year. We've moved back into the suburbs - no more spontaneous walks to the beach. Mr H's sister has a baby and I became a Mami for the first time. Its a warm day outside today but quite cold inside the house. Today was meant to be my cleaning day because the older two are in school/childcare and the youngest one is napping. But instead I've taken a trip down the memory lane. 

I've been reading some of my old posts from my teenage years. I am at a place in my life which was unimaginable to me back then. If anyone told my sixteen and a half year old self that by the time the next sixteen and a half years roll by I would be happily married for 10 years to a guy I love, be a mother of three daughters and travelled to over 70 countries in the world - she wouldn't believe it. If she did, she probably would not have as much self doubt as she did back then. 

Life is good now, alhamdulillah.

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