Thursday, June 28, 2018


I am on my second cup of caffeinated beverage for the day (not counting the chai latte I had around 11 AM, because apparently chai latte does not have caffeine!) which munching on carrot sticks. I am completing a task I was given by a teacher who has paid me for the work I am currently doing. She has already paid me so I do need to finish it. I am enjoying it though. I like this idea of working from home using my skill set - prep work for other teachers and tutoring. I am also currently doing some casual days at schools. Alhamdulillah, I feel like I am exactly where I want to be in terms of my time. I am busy but loving it.

However, I do need to wash my hair sometime. I can't remember when the last time was that I actually washed it properly, which is never a good sign.

Still to do:
- Wednesday-Friday prep
- Fill out all childcare forms

Saturday, June 09, 2018

Little M

We gave you a very common name. I asked for normalcy - in delivery, your physique, mental capacity, most things. You will probably be just another face in the crowd, and that's okay. You don't need to be extraordinary in worldly things - you don't need a pretty face (pretty faces cause more trouble than not!), you don't need a lot of money, you don't need to be the smartest kid in your class. You don't need reason for arrogance. I just pray that you grow up to be someone He loves. That you are useful to people wherever you go. That you are humble, insightful, full of empathy but not out of control with your emotions and actions. That you know that the most important thing in life is what comes after it. That you are selfish about your life after death, and nothing else. That you can have the mental strength and closeness to God like the person you are named after. That you get to meet her someday.