Monday, January 10, 2011


Sunlight streamed through balcony grills as a little girl sang against a tune played on the harmonium. A crow is calling out in the distance. I'm sitting here, in Dhaka. Waiting to get back to home, yet, looking forward to the new beginning. The hint of excitement is filling the city air, along with the load of worries emanating from the groom's mother's face. Everyone is together, yet busy in their own affairs. In the last few days, I have realised how different I am from the people here. I really cannot relate to them any more. The teens are busy in hiding things from their parents, the parents are busy thinking that they are perfect. Everyone believes that everyone else has secret business unknown to others. (To be politically completely correct, it must be made clear that I do not mean every single person in Dhaka, just certain people I am around). Religion is just a culture, a laughing stalk, not a way of life to the young. The elders believe its something that 'must be followed' without the need of contemplation. Every word that comes out of your mouth must be watched so that someone else doesn't think wrongly of you. Also, you are supposed to analyse every word of everyone else. If they say 'no' to food, it actually means 'yes'.

My life was so different on this day, two years ago. I feel like I have aged, forwards or backwards, I do not know. I am just looking forward to living life one day at a time, instead of ten years at a time. This very place seemed so close to heart! Now I am counting down the days of my return to home. When I see people of my blood, I do feel that attraction - the love for family. But when I see the injustice that they are doing to themselves, the corruption that they are living in, I wish to remove myself far from them.

P.S: Today must have been the longest time that I have had on the net in Bangladesh!
P.P.S: I really lack creativity in my titles. :(


  1. nice blog, nice pix.
    u have good potentiality in writing..which can be more focused on preaching activities.

  2. thanks! this is my personal blog, so i like to keep a track of my current thoughts here. i write about what i think about. i have a specific philosophy on 'preaching'. if you'd like to know more about it, please email me. :)

  3. proper observation about our "new geeration!"
    My friends often tell me that I act like old people, as I can't be so "modern" like them!
    whatever, practice of Islam in here is not the way it should be....
    Its hard to make these young peole understand it.

  4. Errrrm...
    I think preaching actions shouldnt be there in private mails among strangers of different gender. As any platonic affinity of human mind may have a breakdown there:-)

  5. lol, I think you misunderstood me. Neither did I know that you are a stranger and a male. Anyway, what I meant was that I don't really want to explain my philosophy on a public blog. But to cut a long story short, I think that seeing Islam through the subconscious thoughts of a real person (with his/her good days and bad days) is often much more effective than conscious preaching. :)

  6. on the contrary..this sort of rhetorical remarks may made your superiors around suspicious of your mailing activities :-) be blessed and relieved.
    -slammed shout mouth in mail :)

  7. The superiors I care about (ie: my family) know and trust me, I think. If they are suspicious of anything, they can ask me about it. I asked you to email me because I thought you must be one of the elders I know, giving me honest advice through anonymity, hence, you must know my email address. Annnyyyywaaay, glad we got that cleared out. Thanks for your advice(s)! :)

  8. thn.. u better mail me ur thoughts :) i will be still refraining in reply.. i promise to omniscient and murubbis all around.

  9. i have no idea who you are! anyway, lets leave it at this. Salam.

  10. kidding, friend :) will let u know when u will back. salam.

  11. lol at above comments!hey name sharer of keats' poetry, I want to go to Dhaka too :(

  12. dove promises;) ie my bestie ie my lover ie BIDDDAAA - i miss you.

  13. also - i see that you ravaged my blog with your stalkerish eyes. :P
